
Welcome! I am Dr. Aziza, a veterinarian, entrepreneur, media personality, and mother. Below are some links especially curated for you. Make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my social media platforms for the latest updates and news. Enjoy!

As A Busy Vet, I Schedule My Self-Care Appointments With Intention…


dr. aziza gives tips on how to Make sure your pets have a purr-fect Howl-oween


CLIP: Conversations for Inspiration, featuring Dr. Aziza


hurricanes & heartworms: everything you need to know


Dr. Aziza & the latest news on the mystery canine respiratory illness

Announcing the opening of CAWLM, dr. Aziza’s new veterinary hospital!


Dr. Aziza makes sure Houston pets are prepared for natural disasters this hurricane season

Dr. aziza operates a mobile veterinary practice called Personal Touch Veterinary Clinic in Houston and serves as a veterinary expert for Freshpet.

Watch Dr. Aziza on Disney XD, disney now, and Hulu!


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